Daylong Workshop on Parenting Issues in respect of Adolescents shall be held at DANA on Sunday, 12th February, 2017 at DANA. Limited no of participants will be accepted. For registration: Contact DANA Reception (24229932, 9051252231) between 12 & 8 pm (except Sunday)
DANA’s Publications Available at the Calcutta Book Fair (SABDOHARIN: Stall No 267
Invited Audience Programme at Serampore on 29th January, 2017
Workshop on Parenting of Children
Daylong workshop on Parenting of Children was held on 11th December, 2016 at DANA which was attended by more than 30 participants. The main speakers were Dr Amit Chakraborty, Dr Gautam Bandyopadhyay, Dr Sheila Banerjee, Dr Sayandip Ghosh, Bandana Mukherjee and Mohit Ranadip. There was live interaction between resource persons and the parcipants throughout the sessions. Participants requested for arranging a separate workshop on Parenting of Adolescents. This workshop will he held on 12th February, 2017. Interested persons including parents and teachers may contact DANA reception (9051252231) between 12 & 8 pm for registration.
Day-long Workshop on Parenting at DANA on 11th December, 2016
Program for 11.12.2016.
10.30 am Registration
11am Developmental aspects of children and adolescents. Speaker Dr. Goutam Bandopadhyay.
Interactive session.
1-1.30pm Lunch.
2pm Parenting misconceptions and remedies
Speaker Dr. Amit Chakraborty
Interactive session
3pm Panel discussion
Panellists Dr Sheila Banerjee, Mrs. Bandana Mukherjee, Mr. Mohit Ranadip.
Moderator Dr. Sayandip Ghosh
Intersted Persons can join by paying a token fee of Rs 400.Please contact DANA Reception (9051252231) between 12 & 7 pm.
Special Discussion Programmes in the Mental Health Week
Following the grand success of Mental Health Book Fair organised by DANA in 2015 on the occasion of World Mental Health Week, DANA will organize a similar Fair with Books on Psychology, Mental Health and Well-Being published by various publishing and other organizations on 1st & 2nd October, 2016 to commemorate the Mental Health Week at the DANA premises itself.
NGOs working in the field of Mental Health are requested to participate in the Book Fair. Awa reness Programmes (Interactive) will also be organized on this occasion on both the days.
The event is scheduled to be held at DANA (15/4 Rahim Ostagar Road, Jodhpur Park, Kolkata 700045, ph: 24229932/9051252231) on 1st & 2nd October, 2016 between 3 & 8 pm.
Interested persons are requested to attend the Book Fair and participate in the interactive discussions.
DANA’s Annual General Meeting for 2015-2016.
(D A N A)
To be Presented in the Annual General Meeting of DANA in its Registered Office on 26th June, 2016 at 12-00 noon.
Diagnostic and Applied Neuro-psychological Association (DANA) is a registered non-profit organization which was established on February 10, 2000 by a group of Professional Mental Health Workers with a noble mission to render services to the community for promoting mental health status of the same. DANA continues its work as a registered NGO since 2002, though in fact it has completed sixteen years of its existence. At present, there are Total 29 Members i.e. (namely 14 General Members, 1 Honorary Member and12 Life Members) and 47 Associate Members.
The Executive Committee of DANA for 2014-2016 consists of Dr. Amal Kr. Mallick as President, Dr. Sheila Banerjee as Vice-President, Dr. Sayandip Ghosh as Secretary, Mrs. Pallabi Mukhopadhyay as Jt. Secretary, Mr. Pranab Kumar Moitra as Treasurer, Dr. Amit Chakraborty, Dr. Gautam Bandopadhyay, Mrs. Sutapa Chakraborty, Mrs. Bandana Mukherjee, Mrs. Ratna Mitra and Mrs. Rita Roy as Members. Mrs. Sutapa Chakraborty as Co-ordinator helped towards smooth functioning of DANA.
DANA Study Centre Advisory Subcommittee was formed with Dr Sheila Banerjee who was Course Coordinator till July 2015, Sri Pranab Kr Moitra (Treasurer), Dr Amal Kr Mallick, Dr. Debasish Bhattacharya, Dr Amit Chakraborty, Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay,Dr Sayandip Ghosh(Secretary as Convener) to make policy decisions- financial as well as academic and administrative to be implemented by the Course Coordinator regarding University- affiliated Diploma Course in Counselling and Behaviour Management. However in the 2015-16 sessions DANA organized one year Diploma Course in Counselling and Behavior Management independent of any affiliation with Mrs. Rita Ray as Course Coordinator.
The Executive Committee Meetings were held on 12th July, 10th August, 2nd November, 2015 8th January, and 12th March2016.
Different Activities of DANA (April, 2015 to March 2016)
A – Clinical Services
The services offered by DANA can be accessed from the following statistics. The professionals of DANA were associated with:
(1) Cases Registered : – 1246
B – Extension Services
1. Counselling Course
DANA started One -year Post Graduate Diploma Course in Counselling and Behaviour Management. It was inaugurated on 16th August 2015 and the classes started as usual. This session was inaugurated by Dr Ujjal Banerjee an Educationist. Theory classes on different subjects related to Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychological Counselling and allied disciplines were held on Sundays from 11.00 a.m. to 01:00p.m. and again from 01:00 04:00 p.m.6 students from different streams participated in the Course. Practical classes were held under the guidance of professionals of DANA. Mrs Rita Roy acted as Course Coordinator.
2. Public Awareness Programme
(a) An Art Therapy unit has been formed by DANA. Committee consists of Dr Amal Kr Mallick, Dr Debasis Bhattacharya, Dr Amit Chakraborty, Dr Sayandip Ghosh, Dr Rahul Bhattacharya, Mrs Subhra Banerjee Paul and Mr Harit Basu. Art Therapy Project has been continuing in DANA premises. Mrs Subhra Banerjee Paul as Psychologist and Mr Harit Basu as artist are associated with the regular functioning of the project. DANA has earlier collaborated with ‘PARIPURNATA’, a rehabilitation centre for psychologically ill clients. DANA has also collaborated this year with ‘BHALO ACHI’, another such rehabilitation centre where Dr. Subir Bandopadhyay as psychologist and Mr. Harit Basu as artist conducted several sessions on Art Therapy
(b) On 26th September 2015, Dr.Sayandip Ghosh presented a paper on “Art Therapy” as an adjunctive Treatment for Adult Psychiatric Patients” at a conference organized by “WORLD PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION” –Regional Congress held at Kochi. The seminar presented a compilation of studies on 12 patients who participated in Art Therapy sessions at DANA from August 2013-July 2015.
(c) DANA organized a Mental Health Book Fair to commemorate World Mental Health Week at DANA premises on 10th and 11th October 2015. On this occasion books published by NGOs
working in the field of psychology were displayed and the following NGOs participated: Manab Sangbed, Mon, Pavlov Institute, GirindraSekhar Institute and DANA.
(d) On this occasion following awareness programmes were organized at DANA premises:
10th October-Topic: “Mental health care with dignity” speakers were Dr. Jyotirmoy Samajdar, Dr. P.S.Nandi, Mr. Gopal Sethiyar and Mr. Mohit Ranadip. The moderator was Dr. Gautam Bandopadhyay.
11th October-Topic: “Mental health in geriatric age group” speakers were Dr. Gautam Bandopadhyay, Dr. Indrajit Sengupta, and Mr. Tarun Dutta.
11th October-Topic: “Parenting problems and expectations” speakers were Dr. Satyajit Ash, Dr. Amit Chakraboryt, Dr. Aniruddha Deb. The sessions on 11th October were moderated by Mrs. Ratna Mitra.
e) DANA held an awareness programme in ‘Adoption’ at Paschimbanga Bangla Academy. The topic was “Dattak Santan – Nanan Katha” (The adopted child many questions). The speakers were Mrs Simantika Nag, Atmaja Organization, Dr Amit Chakraborty Psychologist, Dr Gautam Bandopadhyay Psychiatrist, and Mr Supriyo Sarkar Government Officer in charge of Adoption Procedure. The programme was moderated by Mrs Ratna Mitra and was followed by enriching interactive session where parents of an adopted children and grown up adopted children participated.
(f) DANA participated actively in the Kolkata Book Fair 2016. DANA’s Publications were made available at the Stalls of Shabdohorin.
(g) On 29th August and 27th September, 2015 interactive sessions were held at DANA premises on current psychological issues.
(h) DANA held a programme in collaboration with PARAMPARA at Jibanananda Sabhaghar titled “Emotional Well being”. The speakers were Dr. Amit Chakraborty, Dr. Goutam Bandopadhyay and Mrs. Ratna Mitra.
i On 14th February Dana organized a programme on “Bangla Bhasay Monobigyan Charcha” at DANA premises ; the session was mainly interactive and experts discussed on literature and studies in Bengali about psychological issues.
C – Cultural Activities
(a) On 8th May, 2015 DANA organized Rabindra Jayanti at its premises. Members and guests actively participated in the programme.
(b) On 25th October, 2015` Bijoya Sammilani was hosted by Dr. Amit Chakraborty in his residence
D – Website
The Website of DANA e.g. is functioning successfully.
E – Acknowledgement
A deep sense of gratitude is expressed to AC Behara and Co., Chartered Accountant Firm for auditing the Accounts of DANA like previous years at a nominal fee.
We would also like to express our gratitude to all the Guest Lectures viz Mr. Arijit Chakraborty, Mrs. Leena Bardhan, , Dr. Nilanjana Pal and Ms. Fahmida Manju Majid for delivering lectures to the students of the Counselling Course.
Last, but not the least, it is the whole hearted co-operation from all categories of Members and Office colleagues viz Ms. Puja Dutta, Mr. Subhas Maitra, Mr.Shyamal Chatterjee and Mr. Animesh Patra, that has helped DANA to become successful in its endeavors.
(Dr. Sayandip Ghosh)
Next Course on Psychological Counselling & Behaviour Management
The 5th 1-year PG Diploma Course on Psychological Counselling & Behaviour Management will start on 24th July, 2016. The classes will beheld on Sundays between 10 am & 5 pm between July 2016 and June 2017. There will be scope for Internship with DANA & other NGO’s at the end of the course.