World Mental Health Day 2018 – World Federation for Mental Health
World Mental Health Day 2018 will focus on young people and mental health in a changing world.
Imagine growing up in our world today. Constantly battling the effects of human rights violations, wars and violence in the home, schools and businesses. Young people are spending most of their day on the internet – experiencing cyber crimes, cyber bullying, and playing violent video games. Suicide and substance abuse numbers have been steadily rising and LGBTQ youth are feeling alone and persecuted for being true to themselves. Young adults are at the age when serious mental illnesses can occur and yet they are taught little to nothing about mental health.
How do we expect our young people to grow up strong, resilient and able to break the cycles of abuse, violence, substance use, and internet overload? What happens when a young person experiences trauma – over and over? Where are the services? Where is the information and awareness about mental wellbeing?
The World Federation for Mental Health will be focusing the 2018 WMHDAY campaign on Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World. We want to bring attention to the issues our youth and young adults are facing in our world today and begin the conversation around what they need in order to grow up healthy, happy and resilient.
Lets all use this year to emphasize the needs of our young people. Its time to take a stand and demand more for this vulnerable population – our future depends on it! #worldmentalhealthday,
In 2017 the theme was mental health in the work place.